Anaconda vs python vs federal corvette
Anaconda vs python vs federal corvette

anaconda vs python vs federal corvette

Looks like, Frontier forums Supercruise handling of ships, document. Supercruise maneuverability isn't well documented, but the Anaconda performs abysmally compared to the Federal Corvette. Anaconda is great if somewhere in the galaxy there is a distance of 74.01 Ly to cross. imho the DB Exp or the Phantom are the best choice for exploration. FDev keeps inventing genious ways to kill us. Also the brilliances (or "brilliances") we do in order to get that indeed excellent jump distances aren't without consequences in situations like docking "accidents". However that 8t/jump hurts, the humble DB Exp has almost the double jump range. I know, Anaconda wins by 2 Ly (DB Exp, V1 FSD) or 4 Ly (Phantom, V1 FSD). DBX and Krait Phantom come close, but still can't actually exceed it. Please correct and help.Īnaconda can achieve the best jump range of any ship. I've never flown big ships before, am not sure I haven't overlooked something important. And a sh1tl0ad of materials to engineer them.

anaconda vs python vs federal corvette anaconda vs python vs federal corvette anaconda vs python vs federal corvette

Both cost some 800M Cr to buy and equip and some 155M for 4 rebuys just in case.Probably the Anaconda will be outmanoeuvred by the Fedette but not outrun, the Fedette max boost 1-4-1 speed difference is just 2 m/s. Anaconda is less agile than Fedette, the same applies after dirty G-5 & drag.Fedette wins in the cargo, also you can fit 2 class 7A collector limpet controllers. Anaconda's optional internals are 1x7, 3圆, 4x5, 3x4, 1x2, 1x1 (1 restricted).It's very complicated to asses the significance of trading off the 2xL for 1xH, too many variables, like convergence, classes, shot speed, redundancy, FDev, etc. The Fedette has 2xH, 1xL, 2xM, 2xS hardpoints, 7 in total. Anaconda has 1xH, 3xL, 2xM, 2xS hard-points, 8 in total.Anaconda's hull mass is 400t and the Mass Lock Factor 23, Fedette's at 900t and MLF 24, let's call it a draw.Anaconda is in top-2 or the top in jump distance and the Fedette in bottom-5, that imho isn't much but it might be for some explorers.Both have roughly the same hardness, +5 for the Fedette, draw.Dimensions: Anaconda 155m x 62m x 32m, Fedette 167.8m x 87.2m x 28.3m, let's call it a draw, both are bad.Both are Large ships, both lose and both are equally bad.Anaconda has less 7A shield strength (595) than the 7A Fedette (738) but the Anaconda with a 3D Guardian Shield RP equalises,.Anaconda has more armour (945) but the Fedette with a 3D HRP equalises,.To simplify the analysis and limit the scope of discussion let's ignore that anyone and at anytime can buy an Anaconda while the Federal Corvette is superpower rank-locked. Tl dr: both are more or less equivalent, there are some differences but no clear winner in the bigger picture, choose the best one for the purpose. News, banter, CG & GalNet updates, and a bit of music too Dangerous Links CommunityĮlite Dangerous news & discussion live podcastĬQC Deathmatch on Xbox One with prizes from Pixel BanditsĬM team playing & discussing the game's events Post/comment not appearing? It may have entered our AutoModerator's event horizon. Read the Subreddit's Rules and Removals Info Page before posting SAGi Magazine Gallery Of ED Artwork By Creative CMDRs Fly Safe, Commander Help.

Anaconda vs python vs federal corvette